扶贫济困助人为乐是社会倡导的时代新风更是联中学子的博爱之心为培养学生高尚的品格,树立正确的价值观弘扬民族精神 传承经
You've been burning the candle at both ends lately Go get some rest你最近太劳心劳力了去好好休息一下影视片段星际迷航★
The Garden of Burning Sand目前仍然是没有中译本,真的好想拿到这本小说的翻译授权啊!!讲述的是一个发生在非洲大陆扣人
转you gotta keep that fire burning burning你势必让心火继续燃燃燃I know you think you're in a hurry我知,你总觉着自己如今正是栖
I can smell something burning 我能闻到有什么东西烧糊了来源Oxford Advanced Learner's EnglishChinese Dictionary替换练
burning desire to achieve their goals are often referred to as being “driven” But is this special quality reserved only for a privileged few
气候变化The burning question 燃眉之急With or without America, selfinterest will sustain the fight against global warming 美国爱管不管
“burning”通常与热情激情或毁灭有关,在这里,burning 和上面标题中的"up in arms"be very angry 和 prickly easily annoyed or
burning,表示被点燃过后熊熊燃烧的状态② 加 ed 或者用其特殊的过去分词 burnt,表示已经燃烧殆尽burning 强调正在燃烧
所以,Pura怎么读?️小作业1 What is the significance of out from something that is burning, or one that is made by rubbing